Start with quality clean dataDataLoad-300x117

This kicks the whole project off with the best chance of success and high adoption rates.  We typically are involved with the data conversion process for our clients.  They have some method of tracking assets/equipment today.  It might just be a spreadsheet or it could be another Fixed Asset/Equipment Tracking or Tool Crib solution.  Step one in our data conversion process typically involves creating a spreadsheet of the existing data.  This is the data that will be loaded into our system as they make the switch.

This data in a spreadsheet form never gets easier to clean and audit.  When you are looking at a spreadsheet of your data, you can sort, classify, fix typos, and generally clean-up data that should never be in a automated system.  Take the time to clean house during the transition and you will get the new system into a great starting point.  Then load the data into a test database prior to production and see how it looks and works in the application.  Investing a few extra days now to get the data into great shape will make everything work better later.