When you look at what your mobile teams actually do, you will see that they accomplish small tasks through-out the day. As a result the terminology and steps they need to take should be mirrored in the mobile applications they use. Good user experience in mobile has a task completed in 5-8 taps. This allows the user to get their work done in less than 30 seconds typically.
Mobile use cases need to be defined with the above criteria in mind. Sometimes this means that tasks need to be broken into 2 or more parts in order to make the users efficient. When you think abut use cases for mobile users, you should consider not just the task steps and UX, but the context and environment that the users will be in during use. Some of our clients are using mobile apps at construction sites, when we think about this during design it impacts the UX and application flow. In our example we make buttons bigger and fonts bigger for more important information. We have found this is necessary to give users a better experience for getting their task completed. Mobile users are not sitting at their desks, so talk to your users and see where they are when they accomplish tasks. In fact go deeper and do it for each task they accomplish, as they may be in different environments for different tasks.